Free Act! Custom Database Upgrade With Purchase | Act! Platinum
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Free Act! Upgrade with Purchase


with Your Act! Premium Subscription Purchase

(Free Act! Upgrade for New Customers Only)


Now get a Free Act! Upgrade with purchase.  Start right with a free custom Act! database.


Normally you buy your Act! subscription and then you create a new database with the software.  Accordingly this will be a default structure that comes with a set of standard fields and layouts (screens).  But we’ve taken the standard database to the next level.  By adding more useful fields and improving the layouts for a better look and ease of use!  

Now get the upgraded database for free. Just buy your Act! Premium Cloud, Act! Cloud w/Sync and  Act! Premium desktop Subscriptions through us.

(hover over image of the Upgraded Database to illustrate the Standard Database)

Act! Premium CRM – A place for everything and everything in its place.


The Free Act! Upgrade Custom Database has been designed with users in mind.  Above all to improve ease of use and enhance readability.  It contains several layouts for each area Contacts, Companies, Groups and Opportunities.  In addition with the purpose of being able to work on standard as well as jumbo screen sizes.  The colors used provide better visual contrast and section headers group information to make data entry flow. The font type and font sizes used are to make it easier to view and read your data.


Get organized—and get busy with Act! Premium CRM.


(click on a TAB to see more info)

Free Act! Upgrade – Changes Made to the Contact Screens

Below lists the Contact fields added to the Free Act! Upgrade Custom Database.  Over all they help you keep track of more relevant information for your Leads, Prospects, Customers, Vendors, Buyers, Sellers, Owners, Contractors and anyone you do business with.



Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Track Account, Products, Rating Details

More Status Fields: Products, Account Number, Rating and Tags

Status fields help you identify and rank your Contacts. Also how they identify and relate to your business.

  • Products – track the Products and/or Services your Customers have purchased. Also track what your Prospects are interested in.
  • Account # – in addition enter an Account ID, Customer Number or Unique ID for your Customers.
  • Rating – in fact you can create your own Rating or priority system such as Hot-Cold, High-Low, 1-5 and more.
  • Tags – also use Tags to classify and categorize your Contacts.

Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Track Marketing Lists and Results

Marketing Section

Accordingly to help utilize the Email Marketing Service that now comes with your Act! Premium Subscription, the Upgraded Database includes the following fields:

  • Lists – above all use this field to identify the marketing campaigns the Contact is enrolled in. Also you can state No Marketing if they are not to receive emails and notices.
  • Unsubscribe – in addition note when a Contact has opted to not be a part of your campaigns.
  • Bounce – moreover record when an email bounces to a Contact and then follow-up and obtain updated info.

Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Keep Track of Time Zones

Contact’s Time Zone

Also keep the Contact’s Time Zone handy. Thus you’ll be able to tell when is a good time to reach out and when it is after hours.

Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Keep Important Information Top of Mind

Important Information

In addition a memo field has been added for you to store key data.  Also track important info that above all will keep details top of mind when working with the Contact. 


Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Keep Photo or Image


Add a photo, an image or attach a business card to your Contacts.

Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Calculates Age and Keeps Family Info


An age field has been added that calculates the Contact’s age based on the date entered in the Birthday field. Also an anniversary date field has been added to keep track of the Contact’s marriage to their Spouse.  More fields have been so you don’t forget the kid and pet names!


Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Stores Social Media Links


Store the Contact’s Social Media URLs as hyperlinks and when the link is clicked a browser will open to their social media profile.

Free Act! Upgrade – Additional Groups to Help You Market Like a Pro

The Free Act! Upgrade Custom Database has added more Groups.  Groups segment and organize the Contacts in your database.  Groups are an integral part of using Act!’s marketing system as you send email campaigns to Groups of Contacts.

Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Track Newsletter List and Marketing Results

The new Groups are to track your use of Act!’s Email Marketing features.  For Example the Newsletter List subgroup is for Contacts that have “Newsletter” in the Contact’s Marketing Lists field.  In addition you can create a Newsletter Campaign within the marketing system and link this subgroup to the campaign.


Use the subgroup Email Bounced to track the Contacts specifically when their email address bounced after a marketing email was sent to them.  In addition the Email Unsubscribed subgroup is for Contacts who have unsubscribed to your marketing campaigns.

Free Act! Upgrade – Updated Opportunities to Track Commissions

Tracking Opportunities is an important part of achieving your sales and business goals. The Free Act! Upgrade Custom Database includes a commission field to track your current and future sales.  In addition you’ll be able to focus on your most valuable opportunities and hit your commission targets every month!

Act! CRM Software Free Act! Database Tracks Commissions


We reorganized the Opportunity screens to enhance usability as well as added a Commission field so you can track your commission for each sale.


After Purchase Product Delivery


Act! Premium Cloud Purchase – After you place your order for the Act! Premium Cloud subscription with the Upgraded Database we will upload the Upgraded Database to your Cloud account.  Once the Upgraded Database has been restored you will receive an email from [email protected] that the database is ready for you to login.


Act! Premium Cloud with Desktop Sync Purchase – After you place your order for the Act! Premium Cloud with Desktop Sync subscription with the Upgraded Database we will upload the Upgraded Database to your Cloud account.  Once the Upgraded Database has been restored you will receive an email from [email protected] that the database is ready for you to login. We will also include the instructions for creating the offline client for the Desktop Sync.


Self-Hosted Act! Premium Desktop Purchase – When you purchase the Act! Premium Desktop (Self-Hosted) subscription with the Upgraded Database we will then have Act! issue your license. After this has been issued we will send you an email with links to download the Upgraded Database and database restore instructions.

New Customers Only

The Free Act! Upgrade Custom Database is intended for New Act! Customers.  But if you are an existing Act! Customers please contact us for options and costs.

Data Import or Data to Migrate

Currently Act! provides basic import tools within their products and these tools are for self-service use.  But if you need help with your import or have data to migrate let us know.  In addition to providing guidance we also offer data services for an added cost.  So please contact us to discuss your project and to then receive an estimate.

Act! Premium CRM is an all-in-one sales and marketing platform.  Specifically it provides small and mid-sized companies with what they need to run and grow their businesses.